Monday 17 January 2022

Google wants new industrywide standards to balance privacy and ads personalization

Most internet users understand the free content they consume is supported by data-driven advertising. Most people would prefer not to pay for content, but are also increasingly concerned about online privacy.

Google is seeking to navigate a middle path that balances privacy and user control over data and personalized advertising, which the internet has become increasingly dependent on. Building on announcements earlier this year at Google I/O related to Chrome and third-party cookie blocking, the company is initiating an ambitious standards discussion with the broader industry about how to support both user privacy and personalized, data-driven advertising.

The core principles. The guiding principles of the initiative are “transparency, choice and control.” Google’s Chetna Bindra, senior product manager, user trust and privacy, believes that this effort will potentially take several years to come to fruition. She also believes that the solution must be holistic and involve broad industry agreement about standards or it won’t work.

This ambitious effort to start an industrywide discussion is partly a reaction to the rise of ad blocking and partly to Apple’s implementation of “Intelligent Tracking Prevention,” designed to prevent third-party ad tracking across the internet on the Safari browser. Apple’s business model doesn’t rely on advertising and the company has sought to make user privacy a differentiated feature of its products.

Unlike Apple, Google sits at the center of a massive advertising ecosystem. However in one of two blog posts this morning on the new standards initiative, Google cites internal data that argues when cookies go away so does revenue for publishers: “When advertising is made less relevant by removing cookies, funding for publishers falls by 52% on average.” The company says the revenue hit is even larger for news publishers (62%) in the absence of cookies and personalized ads.

Blocking cookies isn’t the answer. Google argues that simply blocking cookies won’t work to deliver true user control because, according to Bindra’s blog post, “broad cookie restrictions have led some industry participants to use workarounds like fingerprinting, an opaque tracking technique that bypasses user choice and doesn’t allow reasonable transparency or control. Adoption of such workarounds represents a step back for user privacy, not a step forward.”

Illustrations of how user controls over data-driven ads might work

Concrete proposals in report. A companion document (.pdf), “Giving users more transparency, choice and control over how their data is used in digital advertising,” presents a more concrete vision of how to potentially implement some of these ideas. The document, created after feedback from stakeholders, says users should be able to see and have control over:

  • What data is being collected, by whom and why
  • Who is responsible for an ad, and
  • What caused an ad to appear

It presents hypothetical screenshots, users controls, flows and permissions. The document is mostly intended to stimulate discussion among a broad range of stakeholders.

This is what Google ultimately hopes the industry can develop and agree upon:

  • A standard way to surface how data is being collected
  • A standard way to label ads with metadata
  • A standard way to surface the companies involved in showing ads
  • A centralized registry of participating companies
  • Shared understanding of how to address practices that bypass the standards arrived at through industry discussion

Google says in the proposal that it’s going to “launch an early, experimental, open-source browser extension that will display information for ads shown to a user and will work across different browsers. We plan to start with the ads that Google shows on our own properties and on the properties of our publishing partners.”

Google has also created a feedback form to respond to these ideas.

Why we should care. The reasons are obvious. The broad digital ads ecosystem has become more reliant on data and personalization over time. But as that system has become more sophisticated, users have become more concerned and various initiatives, including privacy laws (e.g., CCPA), have arisen in response. However, Google’s Chetna Bindra says the initiative is not a specific response to such laws.

While this effort is partly self-interested, Google is right in trying to find “a middle way” that empowers users but enables the advertising ecosystem to function effectively.

The industry’s previous “Ad Choices” effort is a dismal failure — because people don’t understand or engage with it. For this initiative to work two broad things need to happen:

  • The entire ecosystem must participate in the discussion
  • The resulting user experience must be clear and accessible to “ordinary people” and it must truly deliver on its promise of “transparency, choice and control.”

About The Author

Greg Sterling is a Contributing Editor at Search Engine Land. He writes about the connections between digital and offline commerce. He previously held leadership roles at LSA, The Kelsey Group and TechTV. Follow him Twitter or find him on LinkedIn.

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