Friday 28 February 2020

February Updates to Paid Advertising Platforms

In this monthly post, we bring you the latest from all of the major platforms.

Google Ads

Share Remarketing Lists Across Your Account Manager

Details: To make audience list sharing easier for advertisers with a manager account, you can now enable continuous audience sharing across accounts within your manager.

Impact: Most advertisers utilize audience lists in their targeting and while you have always been able to share audience lists across your managed accounts, it was a multi-step process that required time and individual list attention. This automated sharing feature will save time. To take advantage of it, you must opt-in within your manager account settings. When opting-in rest assured that this feature will not automatically implement lists across all of your accounts – you will still have control over activation settings.

Say Goodbye To Accelerated Delivery

Details: Starting April 1st, Standard Delivery will be the only available delivery method for any new Display, Video, App, and Hotel campaigns.

Impact: Last year, Google rolled back the accelerated delivery option from Search and Shopping campaigns, as well as shared budgets. Now, Google is expanding this cut to Display, Video, App, and Hotel campaigns. Starting April 1st any new campaigns created will be set to Standard Delivery. Any existing campaigns of these types that are utilizing accelerating bidding will be automatically switched to Standard Delivery starting May 1st. Advertisers should receive warnings of this switch within the interface, but be on the lookout for these changes in your accounts this spring.

Easier Change History Tracking

Details: You can now view changes annotated in your performance charts by hovering over the markers to get more details and links to the specific changes made at that time.

Impact: Previously, when discovering fluctuations in performance, advertisers had to toggle between the dates of performance decreases/increases and the change history tab to uncover how changes might have impacted their efficiency. However, now your changes are notated right in the performance chart, making change history and performance outcomes easier to track.

Microsoft Advertising

IF Function Available For Ads

Details: The IF function is now available to advertisers globally. This function will allow all advertisers to leverage conditional messaging in expanded text ads based on a customer’s device and audience segment.

Impact: The IF function will allow advertisers to show more relevant content to users based on their device and audience. This will ensure that ad messaging resonates with each individual user, wherever they are. Because of this, it is likely you will see higher engagement and CTRs when using these customizations.

To take advantage of the IF function insert the following formulas into your headline or description values:

Device Template:  {=IF (device = mobile, text to insert) : default text if condition not met}

Audience Template:  {= IF (audience IN ( <audience list 1> , <audience list 2>), text to insert ) : default text if condition not met}

New Shopping Campaign Product Group Capabilities & Scripts

Details: Over the next few weeks improvements will be rolled out to Products Groups within Shopping campaigns that will allow for easier bulk uploads through new filter, sort, and pivot functions. Scripts have also been added to Product Groups to streamline management and allow automated bid changes.

Impact: Previously, you could only view Shopping campaign Product Groups within a specific ad group. Now, you will be able to view your Product Groups across your entire account, as well as filter by name, bid, or another performance metric. Because of this filter option, you can make bulk changes (including new percentage-based adjustments to bids) more quickly across your entire account – saving you time and headaches!

Additionally, you can save even more time now but leveraging new Script functionality in Shopping campaigns to adjust bids, rather than manually gauging performance and setting new CPCs accordingly.

This marketing news is not the copyright of Scott.Services – please click here to see the original source of this article. Author: Kamlyn Spivey

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