Friday, 11 March 2022

How To Eliminate Wasted PPC Spend

As we all know, times are crazy right now. Whether you have had to pull back spend drastically, or your business is thriving during these uncertain times, avoiding wasted spend is a main priority for almost everyone. I am going to walk through some tips I have learned while working in Digital Marketing that will help find and eliminate wasted spend in your accounts.


DDNT stands for Device, Demographic, Network, and Time. These are settings you can check either on an account level or on a campaign level. These are easy to miss, but can have a big impact on your account. You can place bid modifiers on all of these settings to either increase or limit spend where you are seeing the most traffic. For example, if you are seeing that most of your conversions are coming from females in the age range of 18-24, you can put a positive bid modifier on females and that age range so Google knows to show people who fit that criteria, therefore eliminating spending money showing ads to people who are less likely to convert.

Non-Converting Keywords

Another easy win is taking out all the keywords that are spending but not converting. If you look at the past 60 or 90-day date range and apply a filter for keywords that have not converted, you can remove those from your account and cut down some of that spend that isn’t producing any conversion actions.


Another way to eliminate some of that unnecessary spending is to set up automatic scripts in your accounts. Scripts are a great way to make sure things are not being missed that could seem small but will add up. You can use scripts for things like negative keyword conflicts, disapproved ads, errors with landing pages, etc. These are a good way to keep an eye on some of these smaller issues without manually having to go in and perform an audit.

This marketing news is not the copyright of Scott.Services – please click here to see the original source of this article. Author: Emma Smith

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