Sunday 3 January 2021

New Online Event! Midwest Digital Marketing Day

Maybe you know this and maybe you don’t: The home office of Hanapin Marketing (the producers of PPC Hero and Hero Conf) is located in Bloomington, Indiana. Yes, we do have cornfields at every corner and no, Hawkins, Indiana (from Stranger Things) isn’t actually a real city in Indiana.

Our Midwest headquarters gives us plenty of scenic locations, good food, and close proximity to big cities like Indianapolis, Chicago, Louisville, St. Louis, and Cincinnati. But we don’t have the benefit of numerous digital agencies and like-minded professionals in our backyard, like fellow PPCers located in New York or San Francisco.

So as digital marketers in the Midwest looking for more options to network and share insights, we created a new online event happening on July 25th called Midwest Digital Marketing Day.

The online event includes exclusive webinars and discussions through Slack with industry experts covering audience targeting, chatbots, and social ads. You can join the event from the coffee shop, your office or your couch. Before and after the event, you’ll receive links to join, content, and networking/mentoring opportunities. The best part is you don’t have to ask for any budget to attend!

Connect. Learn. Building your Marketing Tribe.

If you’re wondering how you’re going to convince your boss to let you attend during work time, just remember these four bullets:

  • Free training with PPC experts
  • Online (so no budget needed for travel or hotel!)
  • Live discussions with experts and other digital marketers on topics
  • Networking opportunities (which we know is HUGE for a conference, so we’re bringing that to an online experience)

Midwest Digital Marketing Day is an opportunity to find your tribe in a land where cities are spread out and digital marketers forge ahead on their own. The online event will take place on Thursday, July 25th starting at 9:45am EST.

This marketing news is not the copyright of Scott.Services – please click here to see the original source of this article. Author: Jamie Newton

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