Friday 1 January 2021

Google Search Won’t Return Search Results For Some Searchers

Yesterday some searchers began complaining that Google search would not return search results for them. Instead, Google would return an error that reads “did not match any documents.” The screen shot above is from Joe Youngblood on Twitter but it is happening to others as well – just check out the complaints in the Google Web Search Help forums.

In fact, Danny Sullivan from Google responded that Google is investigating. He said:

Hello everyone. I work for the search team at Google. We are looking into this, to understand better and get it resolved, soon. It’s been helpful those who have shared specifics about what seems to trigger it. The more details you can share, the better for us to track this down.

It seems for some, clearing cookies, cache and signing in and out helps. For others, removing the web history features has helped. Google has not confirmed if they fixed the issue yet but there does still seem to be searchers complaining about not being able to find results at the time of publishing this story.

Are you having issues? If so, let Google know in this Google Web Search Help thread.

Forum discussion at Google Web Search Help.

This marketing news is not the copyright of Scott.Services – please click here to see the original source of this article. Author: (Barry Schwartz)

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