Wednesday 23 December 2020

LinkedIn Pages get new CTA buttons, mobile editing capabilities, more

LinkedIn is rolling out new features for page admins on Wednesday, now making it possible to add call-to-action buttons to your LinkedIn Page and edit your LinkedIn Page from a mobile device. There is also a new Community Hashtag feature that lets page admins attach their page to relevant hashtags.

Five new CTA button options. The new CTA buttons available for LinkedIn Pages include the following five options:

  • Contact us
  • Learn more
  • Register
  • Sign up
  • Visit website

The buttons come with click-through analytics so that page admins can track engagement. The analytics can be found on the left-hand side of your Page Dashboard or at the top of the Visitor Analytics tab.

The CTA buttons will only be available on desktop.

Mobile editing. For LinkedIn Pages already published, admins will be able to edit key details on the Page from a mobile device. Admins will also be able to edits posts from the page that have already been published.

Community Hashtags. These offer a new way for page admins to connect their Page with relevant hashtags. “From #AdvertisingWeek to #Blockchain, it’s easy to jump in and participate from the perspective of your organization,” writes LinkedIn. Like the new CTAs, Community Hashtags will only be available on desktop.

Why we should care. LinkedIn reports it has more than 630 million users on its site and 34 million Pages. The company has been rolling out a steady number of updates to its advertising platforms and recently announced it plans to acquire Drawbridge, an AI technology that will boost LinkedIn’s ad targeting capabilities. With these latest features, LinkedIn is demonstrating its commitment to businesses aiming to take full advantage of the platform.

About The Author

Amy Gesenhues is a senior editor for Third Door Media, covering the latest news and updates for Marketing Land, Search Engine Land and MarTech Today. From 2009 to 2012, she was an award-winning syndicated columnist for a number of daily newspapers from New York to Texas. With more than ten years of marketing management experience, she has contributed to a variety of traditional and online publications, including MarketingProfs, SoftwareCEO, and Sales and Marketing Management Magazine. Read more of Amy’s articles.

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