Monday, 21 September 2020

Vlog #85: Tamar Weinberg On Relationship Marketing & Marketing A Brand During A Pandemic

Tamar Weinberg

In part one of the vlog with Tamar Weinberg, we talked about her history and then a bit about her future. In part two we get into marketing talk, and even some topics I am professionally and personally passionate about.

Tamar explained the importance of making marketing not about the broadcast but about the relationship. She explained how back early on, it was really all about writing good content and just broadcasting it. But over time, it is more and more important to have a relationship with your audience, having them engaged. She shared a story about how she did outreach, connected with individuals directly, and formed relationships with the customers and audience. We talked about our obsession around responding to emails and so forth in real-time. Customer service is a great intersection for marketing and media. We then dug into some of the different ways to interact on Twitter versus Facebook versus LinkedIn and Reddit.

We then talked about what it is like to market a new brand during a pandemic. She said she started a fund me for Tamar on and not because of the message around this brand. Initially she started this right before COVID and she had a plan to make a hundred bottles of perfume and send them to PR people but COVID hit and she didn’t want to send the bottles to PR people because of infection concerns. So she held on to them and then decided to do a fundme campaign and give the early supporters those bottles instead of sending them to media. She said there were challenges around the media and she didn’t see the positive reaction from the media because COVID was going on and then the George Floyd thing happened and it was not great timing. She shared on Medium very personal stuff about herself and the brand but it didn’t seem to work. But she does feel sharing personal stuff helps with marketing. She said networking is her biggest thing right now, so if you are the right person to help her out, reach out to her and help her.

You can learn more about Tamar on Twitter @tamar or in Instagram @tamar and visit or her personal site at

You can subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here so you don’t miss the next vlog where I interviews. I do have a nice lineup of interviews scheduled with SEOs and SEMS, many of which you don’t want to miss – and I promise to continue to make these vlogs better over time. If you want to be interviewed, please fill out this form with your details.

Forum discussion at YouTube.

This marketing news is not the copyright of Scott.Services – please click here to see the original source of this article. Author: (Barry Schwartz)

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