Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Vlog #17: Wil Reynolds On Google Stealing Clicks Through Google Ads & More

Wil Reynolds (@wilreynolds) the founder of Seer Interactive started doing SEO 20 years ago, started his own firm in 2002 and has grown that firm to over 150 employees. We talked a little bit about the super early days of SEO and then got into some of his pet peeves. One such pet peeve is people not looking at their own data and just trying things based on what other people think. When he got certified in AdWords, now Google Ads, it opened his eyes into looking at data to solve these problems. In fact, he feels it is malpractice to offer services the old way he did it.

We then talked about how and why he started his company, Seer Interactive. He runs his company like a family and like how he would want to be treated. He treats his staff as adults and it makes his life easier, just let them get the job done. He said he has received offers to buy the business, but he is not interested in selling – he is having too much fun. He would only sell if he can help his most dedicated employees if those employees would be set financially.

Then we got into Google and how they are possibly evil. He explained how Google is doing what they should, growing their business. But his job is to make sure his clients don’t throw out money. He explained how Google stealing is “willful ignorance,” such as removing exact match features in Google Ads.

Then we talk about how him being a teacher helped him learn how to be awesome on camera, on stage, on videos and so on. He said when you are passionate about helping people learn things, when they don’t want to learn, you learn how to get good at getting these people engaged. We then talked about his charity work, how he gives money and his time to so many charities.

Thank you to RankRanger for sponsoring this video.

Here is the interview:

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Forum discussion at YouTube.

This marketing news is not the copyright of Scott.Services – please click here to see the original source of this article. Author: barry@rustybrick.com (Barry Schwartz)

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source https://news.scott.services/vlog-17-wil-reynolds-on-google-stealing-clicks-through-google-ads-more/

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